After Falling Water it was starting to get dark and we faced the ever daunting task of figuring out where to sleep. Our black and grey tanks needed to be dumped soon and we were running low on propane so we found Mountain Pines Campground in Champion, PA.
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Even though we are East coasters, and residents of New England during college/grad school, there are a few states that we never made it to together: New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont. So before heading out west for good, we wanted...
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Let’s summarize how we arrived at our decision to uproot our lives and become “Van People.” It really has been years in the making; I just didn’t know it until March of this year (2017.) Humz has always joked that he would sell our house and come back with a van. We had been living in Hoboken (NJ) for just over 4 years and doing the whole working to live and living to work thing where we go to work everyday, only to return home, exhausted, and with little time to ourselves to do anything other than veg out in front of the tv until we fell asleep half and hour later. It was time for a change of scenery…Seattle.
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