That morning, we left for Chicago, about a 1-hour drive from Indiana Dunes State Park. We had time-sensitive tickets to another Frank Lloyd Wright wonder, the Robie House (See also our Falling Water Fiasco here.) This time we left 3 times as much time to get there as we thought we needed in order to be on time, and were still only about 20 minutes early…gotta love van travel and city parking.
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Kalamazoo, MI will always have a special place in my heart, not only because it is the childhood home of my favorite New York Yankee, Derek Jeter, but also because of the ballin Walmart wifi we were able to bum in the parking lot as we nestled in for another night of reality TV in the van.
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We left the safety of our friend’s front yard in Columbus, Ohio for the open road of Michigan. Goal? To touch the Great Lakes…
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If you're a diehard AdventureGunn fan, (and I know there are many :D) you will know that we started our van trip in August 2017. After 29 days of traveling throughout New England, you will also know that we got rear-ended in our van, and then had to spend another 29 days sitting and waiting (more like crying and whining) for Comet the Amazing-Travel-Toaster to be fixed so we could get back on the road. After the repairs were done…
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